tranxml - Generate XML Form Files

tranxml [-A|-O] productline [systemcode [programcode]]

Use tranxml to regenerate the XML transaction files stored in the syscodesrc directories. These XML files are used by the IOS Transaction service to define all the fields on a program's forms, key numbers used in form transfer, forms to transfer to, default values, type of field (numeric, alpha, etc.), size of a field value, and so on. All of this data helps to generate the byte buffer of data that is sent to and from the application, such as when a user initiates a Change action in the Lawson Portal or uses the Lawson Add-Ins for Microsoft Office to add data.

The XML files in the syscodesrc directories are generated when a program is compiled and when scrgen is run. However, on occasion, you may want to regenerate the XML files themselves if you suspect they are out of synch with the .scr files for the program forms.

Program Option Description
A If the product line is in staged mode, regenerate the XML transactions files and place them in the stgcmp directory.
O If the product line is in staged mode,, regenerate the XML transactions files and place them in the runtime production environment.

To regenerate XML transaction files

  1. Delete existing .xml and .ser files in the syscodesrc directories.

    At the command line, specify

    cd %LAWDIR%\appsProductLine

    rm *src\\*.xml

    rm *src\\*.ser

  2. Regenerate the XML transaction files for the application product line.

    At the command line, specify

    tranxml appProductLine

  3. As a Lawson Portal Administrator, click Refresh IOS Cache under "Common Tasks" in Lawson Portal or run http://YourLawsonforInforMingleServer:Port/servlet/IOSCacheRefresh. If that does not resolve your issue, you will need to restart your IBM WebSphere Application Server for this Infor Lawson System Foundation (LSF) environment to clear the cache in WebSphere.