lawappinstall - Application Installation
Syntax with directives, options, and parameters:
perl %GENDIR%\bin\lawappinstall update|activate|preview|uninstall|stage|unstage|validate [-a|-r AnswerFile] [-f] [-i] [-m] [-n] [-P] [-s stageDir] [-y] productLine [versionFileDir] [decryptKey] [clientID] [packageID]
Syntax to view full usage or help:
perl %GENDIR%\bin\lawappinstall -U
The lawappinstall
tool is the primary installation tool. It is an installation automation tool that calls other
tools to perform the majority of the installation tasks. This tool
is used to install all application CTPs and any application MSP or
The lawappinstall
tool has seven (7) directives: preview, update, uninstall, stage, unstage, validate, and activate.
. For performance reasons, Lawson recommends Perl version 5.8 (or
higher). To download Perl from the Comprehensive Perl Archive Network,
use your browser and go to (downloads are available for both source code and binary ports).
A Windows version of Perl is available from
Directive | Description |
The PREVIEW directive allows you to preview the application source files (program and metadata) that will be affected. Required options and arguments:
The UPDATE directive executes the The UPDATE directive updates the delivered application
source files (program and metadata) into the installation product
line. It is during the UPDATE directive that If an UPDATE occurs after a STAGE, then it is required to STAGE the additional updates. See lasetup - Lawson Install Setup and appmetaload - Application Metadata Load for more information on the processes being performed during this phase. Required options and arguments:
The ACTIVATE directive performs any necessary steps to update
and reorganize the application database ( If the product line is in "Production," the necessary programs are compiled ( If the product line is "Staged", the stage-compiled objects are moved from LAWDIR/<productline>/stgcmp to LAWDIR/<productline>, and staging is terminated. The product line status is set to "Production". See patchcompile - Patch Compile and apploadcsv - Application Load CSV Files for more information on the processes being performed during this phase. Required options and arguments: productLine |
The STAGE directive is used after any number of updates have been applied, and this initiates the staging process. This directive uses the directory LAWDIR/<productline>/stgcmp to maintain the stage-compiled objects and the date/timestamp of the dictionary used to produce these objects. Required options and arguments: productLine |
The UNSTAGE directive deletes LAWDIR/<productline>/stgcmp. Any stage-compiled objects no longer exist and LADBDIR/dict/+<PRODLINE> is removed. Required options and arguments: productLine |
The UNINSTALL directive removes a CTP or an MSP. UNINSTALL updates application source files (program and metadata) into the installation product line. If the product line has been previously staged, then another STAGE is required to synchronize the metadata and compiled objects. Required options and arguments: productLine packageID |
The VALIDATE directive can be used anytime in a staged installation process. This checks and validates all staged content is current and ready to be activated. Required options and arguments: productLine |
Option | Description |
a answerFile
To specify the full path to a file that contains the setup answers for an
initial install. Use this option to avoid being prompted during an install.
It is only valid with the Update directive. You must use it with the -n option. It cannot be used with the -f option.
r answerFile
To create the answer file. Specify the full path to the file. It can pre-exist and will be created if it does not exist. This will create the answer file but will not perform the install. It expects that prerequisites (RDBMS, etc.) have been met.
It is only valid with the Update directive. You must use it with the -n option. It cannot be used with the -f option.
To enable an experienced user to force a successful log entry after manually correcting an install/uninstall with errors. Arguments must be productline and packageID if you are doing an Update or Uninstall. The argument should only be productline if you are doing an Activate, Stage, or Unstage. This is option is not supported with Preview or Validate. |
To ignore the Ctrl file when rerunning to correct a previous error. This will force previously successful steps to be rerun instead of bypassed. Use with caution as not all steps will have desired results when duplicated. |
To log to abbreviated mini logs in addition to normal logging. Mini logs will omit non-updated, non-impacted items. |
To run the program in non-interactive mode, meaning no confirmation prompts and no
additional information prompts.
With -n it is assumed all needed information is supplied on the
command line, and all steps that are to be taken during the
install will happen without confirmation.
Without -n , any missed arguments will be prompted for, and a
prompt for confirmation will happen before major tasks.
To get more detailed information than normal in a preview. A strong preview may run additional commands to get additional detail. These additional commands may make small updates to the product line but the runtime is not affected. |
s stageDir
To specify the full path to an existing directory to be used for staging the contents of the package during an update. If omitted, the default will be productLine\Stage. |
To view full usage or help. |
To skip running appinstallanalysis. Use with caution because if you use this option, you cannot run again for the same skipped Activate. This option is only valid with the Activate or Preview directive. |
Name of product line. It must start with a letter and be alphanumeric. |
The full path to the directory containing the Versions file. The Versions file is part of the package. Also, after the package is extracted, this argument is to be the directory that contains the Versions file. If your current directory is already the correct location, this argument may be omitted for patches. This is a required argument when using decryptKey and clientID. |
Decryption key for the set of applications purchased. |
Your client ID. |
The name (or ID) of the package to uninstall. This is also known as the release ID of the package installed. This must be the package of the most recently updated install. |
Running lawappinstall with the update directive
Running lawappinstall
using the update directive updates application source files (program and metadata)
into the installation product line.
To execute lawappinstall
using the update option:
perl %GENDIR%\bin\lawappinstall update productline versionfiledir
The versionfiledir is the path to your Versions file.
Running lawappinstall with the activate directive
Running Application Installation using the activate directive implements the application source files (program and metadata) that have been updated into the installation productline.
To execute lawappinstall
using the activate option:
perl %GENDIR%\bin\lawappinstall activate productline
Running lawappinstall with the preview directive
You can execute lawappinstall
with the preview directive. This allows you to preview what will
be changed. Review the preview.log file to see what the impact of the installation would be when you
do continue the installation.
The preview.log provides the following information:
entries from install.log
detected modified files list
whether a database reorganization will be necessary
entries from patchcompile.log
To execute lawappinstall
using the preview option:
perl %GENDIR%\bin\lawappinstall previewproductline versionfiledir
Running lawappinstall with the uninstall directive
Running lawappinstall
using the "UNINSTALL" directive updates
application source files (program and metadata) into the installation
product line.
with the activate directive. The majority of your uninstall is
applied to your product line only after performing lawappinstall
using the activate directive.
To execute lawappinstall
using the uninstall option
perl %GENDIR%\bin\lawappinstall uninstall productline versionfiledir
The versionfiledir is the path to your Versions file.
Running lawappinstall in non-interactive mode
You can execute lawappinstall
in non-interactive mode by entering
all of the required installation parameters in the command line. From
the stage directory, enter:
lawappinstall update -n productline versionfiledir
decryptionkey clientID
productline is the name of the product line where you are installing.
versionfiledir is the full path to the directory containing the Versions file of the deliverable being installed.
decryptionkey is the decryption key used when installing Lawson application releases and MSPs.
clientID is your Lawson client ID number.
The lawappinstall.log file is an overview of the individual
process logs. The lawappinstall.log file lists any errors that may
have occurred during the individual installation processes: lasetup
, patchcompile
, and apploadcsv
. The lawappinstall.log file
is located in the following location.
The following is an example of the lawappinstall.log file.