ldappphr - Load Application Phrases

ldappphr [-n] dumpfile language

Load application phrases from an ASCII text file containing translated phrases for a product line. The ldappphr utility loads phrases created with the dmpapphr utility. ldapphr uses the comment line produced by the dmpapphr utility to check the size of the translated phrase against the maximum size stored into the comment line. If the translated phrase is greater than the maximum size indicated or if there are any other errors, ldappphr puts the offending item, including all the lines that are attendant upon it, into error file ldappphr.err. This file may then be edited, renamed, and reloaded using the ldappphr utility. However, this functionality is not available if a dump file was created by a 7.2.x or earlier version of the ldappphr utility.

Use the -n option if you do not want to load extended column phrase translations.

Note: Date, time, username, type, utility name and key field activities of this utility are logged in the %LAWDIR%\system\secadmin.log file.

For more information, see Lawson Administration: Translation.