Opening Library Files

A library file is a collection of routines used by a Lawson program. Each library file must be defined in the metadata repository for the Lawson Environment using Library Definition. The 4GL Editor is used to add new routines to existing libraries, or to modify existing routines. For detailed information on defining libraries, see Doc for Developers: Application Development Workbench.

To open a library file

  1. From the Open Options menu, select Program Libraries. The Program Library Selection menu appears, showing all the libraries associated with the selected program.
  2. Select a library from the list.
  3. Press OK.

    The Library Selection form appears.

    Choose To
    Procedure Description Open the library procedure description.
    Working Storage Open a working storage file for the program you selected.
    New Program Close the library list and open a different program.
    New Library Choose a library from all the libraries defined in the product line.
    Open File Open a file using the text (lx) personality. For more information, see Accessing the Infor Lawson Editor.
  4. Press OK.