Working with Tags
The Editor allows direct access to information related to the file or program currently being edited through the use of tag files. When working with Lawson 4GL source, the Tag and Cursor Tag options open files, such as library routines or database files. When working with C code, the Tag and Cursor Tag options were created using the ctags command.
To open a Tag by entering the tag name
Select Tag from the Go to menu. The Find Tag from Tags File window appears.
Type in the tag you wish to locate.
Press OK.
The file opens in a new Editor window.
To open a Tag based on cursor location
Place the cursor on the item you wish to open.
Example 1: Place the cursor on OpenDBFile
PDLHandle = OpenDBFile("GEN", "prodline", DBTR, 0);
When steps 2 and 3 are completed, the common.c file is opened, with the cursor on the line that is referenced for OpenDBFile.
Example 2: Place the cursor on 840-FIND-CPYSET1 in the following 4GL line
When steps 2 and 3 are completed, the Index Information form for CPYSET1 is shown.
Select Cursor Tag from the Go to menu.
Press OK.
The file or information form opens.