Lawson Portal Preferences menu
By default, Lawson Portal makes the ability to change user options and content available to all users. This menu lets users customize aspects of Lawson Portal. Administrators can make some changes to these menus and even remove them completely. These sections provide a high-level overview of the content of these menus:
The Content menu lets users unsubscribe to bookmarks (or resubscribe to bookmarks they have access to) and change the layout of the workspace. The ability to customize Content is an on/off switch. Administrators can remove the Content option from users but they cannot pick and choose options to allow or deny. Instructions for users who want to make customizations on Content options is described in Help for Users and in the user guide Getting Started with Lawson Portal .
User Options
User Options is a group of functions that that you can use to customize the operation of these items, many of which control how Lawson applications are displayed in your workspace.
Data Area
Value Separator
Default Report Type
Default Printer
Show Product Line in Page Header
Auto Select Required Fields
Display Field Help
Allow logging to console
Use Data Entry Field Advance (for Internet Explorer browser only)
Advance on 6-digit date entry (for Internet Explorer browser only)
Enable accessibility behaviors
Use client machine time zone for jobs and reports
Frequent and Recent Forms
Recover Tabs
Accent Color
Form Personalizations
Change Password
This setting enables changing of password of the current user.
Depending on how your Infor Lawson system is configured, this feature might not be available for updating your Lawson Portal password. If you are required to change your password and are not sure how to do it, contact your system administrator.