Changing the home page

This procedure explains how to change the home page for Lawson Portal users, that is, the page they go to when they select home.

Lawson Portal defaults each role home page to "home.htm." This is a page delivered with Lawson Portal that displays the user's subscribed content, if any, otherwise it displays a home page relevant to either an administrator or a regular user. If a page other than "home.htm" is specified as the home page for a role, users assigned the role cannot subscribe to content that is displayed in the workspace's main content window. However, they can still maintain their navigation bar content (if they have been given access to the content subscriptions page).

  1. Access Manage Roles. (By default, this is on administrator's home page.)
  2. On the General tab, specify the new location in the Home page field.
  3. Click OK.