Define a translation
- Open HR11.1 and go to the Work Elig tab.
To go to HR89.1, right-click in the
Type field and select Open.
Note: HR89.1 cannot be accessed directly.
- In HR89.1, right-click in the Description field.
Dynamic Data Lookup drop-down menu appears. Click on the menu item.
On the Dynamic Data Lookup management form you can add, update, or
delete translations for the text in the input field, as needed.
In the example, this is "Employment Eligibility".
To add a new translation field, click Add a new
Add a translation for each target language.
Note: The Translation field has a maximum length of 79 characters, and you can add only add one translation per language.
- To save your changes, click the save icon from the toolbar.
- As an administrator, go to the Lawson Portal home page and issue an IOS cache refresh command.