Languages and Dialects
To translate the user-interface and Help text into other languages or dialects, you must identify the languages and dialects either in the Language Definition utility (langdef) or in the Language Definition form available through the Lawson Administration Tools menu in Lawson Portal. U.S. English is the first language on the Language Definition form. The U.S. English phrases, column phrases, and value lists are pre-populated. The system adds these items the first time a form ID is compiled for a product line. You cannot change these items, but you can delete them.
Language and dialect definitions allow you to change only those items that are different; the rest defaults back to the base language. For example, an organization sets the language to French and the dialect to Quebecois:
Words not translated to Quebecois default to the designated language, French.
Words not translated to French or Quebecois default to U.S. English.