Environment Configuration File (univ.cfg)

The Environment configuration file (univ.cfg) contains parameters used by the Infor Lawson Environment. You can edit the univ.cfg file parameters to establish global settings for the Environment system attributes described in the following table in alphabetical order.

Parameters in univ.cfg can be changed while Infor Lawson is running, and the changes take effect without having to stop and restart any of the Infor Lawson servers.

The location of univ.cfg is %LAWDIR%\system\univ.cfg. A copy of the original univ.cfg should be kept as a backup in %GENDIR%\system\univ.cfg.

univ.cfg Reference

Parameter Description

Cutoff point for determining which century a six-digit date (YYMMDD) is from. Years less than the cutoff point are treated as century 20; years equal to or greater than the cutoff are treated as century 19. Valid values are 0-99. If no value is set in the CENTURY parameter, the system uses a default of 5 years greater than the current year.

Note: The CENTURY parameter enables the system to configure the year 2000 and beyond. Take care with the value used in CENTURY because all programs and several date processing APIs that determine the century refer to this value. For more information, see Doc for Developers: Infor Lawson 4GL Application Program Interfaces.
DSTGRPSEC Controls whether security for distribution groups is enforced. The default is ON. If set to OFF, you can distribute a report to a user whose security class does not allow access to the report program. In this case, you distribute the report to the user by sending the report to a distribution group that the user is a member of.

Toggles display of the transaction size. Valid values are ON and OFF. The default is OFF.

When set to ON, displays the transaction size in Job Definition, allowing application data processing to continue only until MAX-TRAN-SIZE occurs. The default MAX-TRAN-SIZE is 50.

mDSTGRPS Maximum number of distribution groups.

Additional filter to determine valid dates. It specifies a four-character year such as 1850 or 0500, to define the minimum year accepted in a date field on the screen. If a date is entered that is less than MINIMUM_YEAR, the error message, "Year XXXX is less than MINIMUM_YEAR of YYYY," is displayed.

When setting a value for MINIMUM_YEAR, you might want to consider the minimum date supported by the database in use. Selecting a year that is equal to or greater than the following for each of the databases helps prevent users entering a date that is valid but unsupported by the database.

DB2 = 1800

Microsoft® SQL Server = 1753

Oracle = 1700 (default)

Note: MINIMUM_YEAR does NOT configure the minimum date within the database itself.

Maximum number of printers you can define through the Printer Definition utility.

For more information, see Infor Lawson Administration: Jobs and Reports.

PROCESS_PRTDEF_BAT Reads and extracts the print command inside the batch file defined from the Printer Definition utility (prtdef). Valid values are ON and OFF. The default is OFF. It is recommended that you set this to ON if you set up a printer with a batch file, especially if the batch file includes the Windows lpr command.
PRTMGR_DESC Determines whether the Infor Lawson Interface Desktop (LID) Print Manager displays the Step Description field. Valid values are ON and OFF. The default is OFF.
PRTMGR_HIDE Determines whether the duplicate leading fields display. Valid values are ON and OFF. The default, ON, hides the Print Manager duplicate leading fields.

Number of terminal screen lines to set for the Form Compiler (scrgen). The default is 24.

This parameter enables forms with 24 lines to appear with minor modifications when viewed on 23-line terminals, such as a VT220. Set SCRLINES to 23 before compiling forms that will run on these terminal types.

This parameter also determines how the Forms Compiler should respond when compiling a form over 23 lines.

Note: "W" displays a warning message. "E" displays an error message and exits the Form Compiler.

For more information, see Doc for Developers: Application Development Workbench Standards.

CACHE_MAX Determines the number of cached users in the system. The value ranges from 0-65000. For more information, refer to Adjusting the number of cached users
CACHE_ENABLE Determines whether user-caching feature is enabled or not. The default value is ON. For more information on how to set this feature, refer to Turning off or turning on user-caching feature
ARCHIVELOGS Turns the log file archive rotation on (TRUE) or off (FALSE).
LOGSTOARCHIVE Determines the base names of logs to be archived. To set this feature, the values must be comma separated without spaces or extension.
MINLOGSIZE Determines the minimum size (in MB) of a log file for it to be archived.
ARCHIVEDIR The directory path in which the log files will be archived.
MAXARCHIVES Determines the maximum number of logs of each kind that will be archived.
SAVEUSERLIST Saves the display name and long name for NT users in the gen table, usermap.

When this feature is enabled, the table loads when a user performs a select on the user name field in the header section of any LSF def utility. For example, jobdef through LID. It can also be managed with a new tool named selusradmn.