IOS and System Information

If you are the Lawson Portal administrator, you have access to several sources of information, most of which are related to the configuration of the Internet Object Services and a Lawson Environment as a whole. If you use the Lawson Portal administrator default home page, your main content pane will initially contain several links to enable you to review this important configuration, user profile, and debugging information.

To access these links, you must be designated as an Lawson Portal administrator. To be an Lawson Portal administrator, the Lawson Portal Administrator of your Resource Management information but be set to YES.

See Lawson Administration: Resources and Security for more information on Resource Management information.

  • Lawson Portal Configuration

    Displays information related to the Profile service and to the default settings for Lawson Portal options.

  • System Environment

    Displays information on environment variables and directories for the Lawson Environment, IOS, web server, servlet container, and Java classpaths and libraries.

  • SSO Configuration

    Displays configuration information for the Single Sign-On service, including the URL this service uses, the session timeout value, and the flag for allowing password changes. To change these configuration settings, use the ssoconfig utility.

    See Lawson Administration: Resource and Security.

  • Debug Information

    Displays information on the current user, Lawson Portal configuration (from the portalconfig.xml file), environment variables, version numbers for IOS and Lawson Portal components, and Single Sign-On configuration.