Running LSFIntegDCDL independently

  1. Run the application putty or command prompt as an administrator.
  2. Load the LSF environment.
  3. Navigate to $GENDIR/java/jar.
  4. To run for a list of tables, run the command using this format:
    java -jar -Dproductline=<productline> -Dtables=<name of table separated by comma (,)> LSFIntegDCDL.jar

    For example,

    java -jar -Dproductline=apps100 -Dtables=apvenmast,apvenaddr LSFIntegDCDL.jar
  5. To run for a product line, run the command using this format:
    java -jar -Dproductline=<productline> LSFIntegDCDL.jar

    For example,

    java -jar -Dproductline=apps100 LSFIntegDCDL.jar