Application Programs
This section provides you with solutions to some messages you might receive when you use Lawson applications.
A batch job appears on the Active Jobs form but it is not running.
Possible cause
Something caused the job to terminate and the Job Scheduler was not notified.
Run ps -ef to see if the job is running. If it is not, stop the Job Scheduler (stoplajs) and restart it (startlajs). The job then appears on the Waiting Jobs form. Examine the job log to determine the cause, take appropriate action to remedy the cause, and resubmit the job.
A batch job appears on the Waiting Jobs form with an “Invalid Params” status.
View the print file for the job. Correct the parameters according to the messages, access the Waiting Jobs form, and change the job status to Waiting. You can then wait for the job to start on its own, or run the job immediately.
“GETBATCHPRM: chdir no such file or directory.”
Possible cause
There is no write access for the print file or there is not enough disk space.
Change the file permissions of the print directories or increase the disk space.
“/PROJECT/FILENAME not in directory.”
Possible cause
Running a program against a project that is trying to access a file belonging to a system that is not in the project.
Include the system that owns the file in the project, then run blddbdict project and dbreorg project.
“Read part record error or file open in wrong mode” error when running conversion programs for applications.
Possible cause
There are return characters at the end of each record.
An end-of-file character at the end of the file.
The fields in the file are not set up with the correct length (especially for signed fields).
The file was truncated during transfer to the machine.
Use the following commands.
tr -d /015 inputfile outputfile (to remove carriage returns)
tr -d /012 inputfile outputfile (to remove new line characters)
cnvexp (for export files)
cnvimp (for import files)
“Too many files open.”
Increase the FILES and UFILES variables in the ladb.cfg file. Because MSGMNI is dependent on these variables, you might need to increase this variable as well. Then stop and start the Lawson system for the changes to take effect.