To configure the Lawson Database Server program (ladb)

  1. Put the Lawson Database Server in No New User mode. Specify this information::

    dbmode -n

    Note: Users who attempt to log on after you have switched to No New User mode receive the message "Enterprise server going into single user mode."
  2. View users who are currently using the system. Specify this information:

    dbusers -u

  3. Notify users working on the server that you need to take the server down or wait until they are logged off.
  4. Put the system in single-user mode. Specify this information:

    dbmode -s

  5. Stop the Lawson database server. Specify this information:


  6. Update the configuration file.
    1. Using a text editor, open the %LAWDIR%\system\ladb.cfg file.
    2. Make changes as needed. ladb.cfg Parameter Reference
    3. Save and close the file.
  7. To activate the changes you just made, restart the server. Specify this information:


    See Stopping and starting the Infor Lawson servers.

    If you changed the USERS and FOREIGN parameters, you need to tune the MSGMNI kernel parameter. msgmni (MSGMNI)