Adding a Job Queue
On the Job Queue Definition form, click Add from
the toolbar.
This makes the Queue name and other fields eligible for inputs.
Specify these details:
Field or option Description Queue name A required field; specifies the assigned job queue name.
This field accepts alpha and numeric characters, with a maximum length of 10 characters.
Max No. of Jobs A required field; specifies the maximum number of jobs in a queue.
Maximum job ranges between 1 to 10.
Max No. of Update Jobs An optional field; specifies the maximum number of jobs that can be modified in an existing job queue defintion.
Maximum No. of Updates ≤ Maximum No. of Jobs; Default field value is zero.
Queue Priority An optional field; specifies the job order in the list of jobs to be processed by the system.
The Queue Priority ranges between 20 to 39; Default range is 30.
Status This option defines if the job queue is Active or Inactive. -
Click Save from the toolbar.
The new Job Queue definition is displayed in the Job Queue list.