CSV Extraction Process
If you use the method through the LID Print Manager, consider the following about the CSV extraction process so that you can create a CSV file containing the information you want.
In the Extract Report Values from Upper Groups field, if you select Key Fields Only but there are no key fields, the CSV will include no fields. The key fields in a group are all fields that have key numbers defined in the $DETAIL area of the report definition (.rpt) file. If you select either All Fields or Key Fields Only, the list of groups output varies depending on the kind of group selected.
If extracting from a normal report group, the CSV will include all groups from the selected group to the previous page break in the output.
If extracting from a total group, the CSV will include all groups from the group with the key level corresponding to the key level of the total group selected to the previous page break in the output.
If using the Extract Only n Previous Upper Groups field, be aware that
Total groups are not counted.
Repeating groups are counted as one group.
Subgroups (for example, headers and occurrence printing) are counted.
In general, the extraction process
Uses only the last occurrence of a repeating upper group.
Includes standard header groups.
Uses only groups that have been printed between the selected group and the previous page break. If the report logic varies the groups from page to page, the output to the CSV file will be inconsistent.
Skips total groups unless it is the select group (total groups are defined with $TOTOFGRP in the group definition in the .rpt file.