Change web server information using ssoconfig

  1. From the command line, run the ssoconfig utility.

    ssoconfig -c

  2. At the prompt, type the password for the ssoconfig utility.
  3. Type 5 to select Manage Lawson Services.
  4. Type 2 to Change an existing service.
  5. When prompted for the service name, type SSOP and press Enter
  6. Type 1 for Form.

    You are prompted to answer questions. Press Enter to skip questions until you see the following:

    Prompt Meaning Action to take

    Choose protocol to use for assertion

    1. Use HTTPS for logon only

    2. Use HTTPS always

    3. Use HTTP only

    If you need to change the protocol used for SSO communication, do so here.

    "Use HTTPS for logon only" means that only the initial login screen will use https. All other connections will pass through http. This option can enhance performance if it is appropriate for your system.

    "Use HTTPS always" is the most secure option. All SSO traffic will go through SSL.

    "Use HTTP only" is the fastest protocol and is appropriate in some situations, for example, when all users are logging in from inside the firewall.

    Select the number that corresponds to the type or types of connection you use.
    Enter the HTTP URL to authenticate to this service Use this prompt to change the URL for your HTTP connections (if any are used).

    If you will be using HTTP for some or all of your connections, type the URL for the load balancer in the following format: http://MachineName. Port#/sso/SSOServlet

    If all communication will be through SSL, type null here. You must type something here; if you do not, you will receive an error message.

    Enter the HTTPS url to authenticate to this service. Use this prompt to change the URL for your HTTPS connections (if any are used).

    If you will be using HTTPS for some or all of your connections, type the URL for the load balancer in the following format:

    http://MachineName. Port#/sso/SSOServlet

    If all communication will be through HTTP, type null here. You must type something here; if you do not, you will receive an error message.

  7. In response to each of the remaining prompts, press Enter to skip the question or type the number corresponding to the option that already exists on your system.

    When the ssoconfig program is complete, you will see the following message:

    The service is modified