
Action to update the default job queue given a data area or a system code.

Batch request processing, or the ability of the service to process multiple requests in one service call, is supported.

Required Parameters

Parameter Key Value Type Parameter Description
dataArea Alphanumeric string

The data area of the database file.

Maximum length for strings is 14.

type Fixed values

Determines the type to which a default job queue is assigned.

Fixed values are DATAAREA and SYSTEMCODE.

jobQueue Alphanumeric string

The name of the job queue.

Maximum length for strings is 10.

Optional parameter

Parameter Key Value Type Parameter Description
code Alphanumeric string

The system code under a data area.

If provided, the value of parameter type must be SYSTEMCODE.

Example URL

SERVER:PORT /lawson-ios/action/SetJobQueueDefault?dataArea=XXXXX&code=XX&jobQueue=XXXXX&type=SYSTEMCODE

XML request format

Format of the request XML payload for POST method calls. Note that these must always be wrapped by <ACTION> nodes.

<JOBQUEUEDEFAULT dataArea="XXXXX" code="IF" jobQueue="**********" type="SYSTEMCODE"/>
<JOBQUEUEDEFAULT dataArea="XXXXX" code="GL" jobQueue="JQ012" type="SYSTEMCODE"/>
<JOBQUEUEDEFAULT dataArea="XXXXX" code="HR" jobQueue="JQ007" type="SYSTEMCODE"/>