
Makes inquiries on a job in the job queue.

URL (general format)

SERVER:PORT/lawson-ios/action/InquireJob? <parameter=key>

Required Parameters

Parameter Key Value Type Parameter Description
jobOwner Alphanumeric string

The owner of the job in the ap-propriate format.

For example, in Windows, the format might be: DOMAIN\user

Maximum length of strings is 10.

jobName Alphanumeric string

The job name.

Maximum length for strings is10.

Example URL


Additional Information

GET HTTP method call type is supported. To inquire about multiple jobs in one call, use POST method, XML content.


Post body:

 <JOB jobOwner="XXX" jobName="XXX" jobDescription="XXX" jobType="XXX" nextStepKey="XXX" workFilePath="XXX" >
   <JOBSTEP jobOwner="XXX" jobName="XXX" token="XXX" jobStepDescription="XXX" jobStepKey="N" jobStepNumber="N" jobStepType="XXX" productLine="XXX" dataArea="XXX" jobStepParameters="XXX" workFilePath="XXX" jobStepTranSize="N" intRptServer="N" hasParameters="XXX" hasCVSAttributes="XXX"/>