Input Values

Name Description

Type of call. Required. Options include:

  • OS: object select

  • OV: object view

  • OW: object window

_PDL Data area or product line. Required.

The maximum number of records to return.

The default is 50.

_IN The index to use to look up the records. Required for OS calls; optional for OV and OW calls.

The key values. Keys should be complete for the given index (_IN). If key values are not supplied, the call (whether OS, OV, or OW) will not return any records.

Example: K1=abc&K2=def&K3=ghi

Input Values for OS Calls

Name Description
_FN Filename. Required.

Input Values for OV Calls

Name Description
_RID Rule ID. Required.
_SK Begin keys for paging calls. The format for these is different than that of the K# parameters. If multiple begin keys are specified, the syntax is: _SK=val1=val2=val3
_FF Find field. The field(s) being searched on.

Filter flag.

If a find is indicated, the first record matching the find field values will be returned, as will the subsequent records, even if those subsequent records do not match the find field values.

If a filter is indicated, only records that satisfy the find field values will be returned.

  • 0 = find
  • 1 = filter

Input Values for OW Calls

Name Description
_RID Rule ID. Required.