
Use this service to list user groups.

Optional parameter

Parameter Key Value Type Parameter Description
maxRecordCount Integer

The number of records to retrieve.

Values must be greater than 0. The default value and maximum value is 500.

XML return format

This is the format of the return XML of these services:
  • AddUserGroup
  • AddUserGroupMember
  • DeleteUserGroupMember
  • InquireUserGroup
  • UpdateUserGroup
  • ListUserGroups
<USERGROUP groupDescription="XXX" groupName="XXX" status="pass" >
    <MEMBER memberName="XXX" memberType="group" status="pass" >
    <MEMBER memberName="XXX" memberType="user" status="pass" >

This is the format of the return XML of the DeleteUserGroup service:

<USERGROUP groupDescription="XXX" groupName="XXX" status="pass" >