Performance considerations when sorting data

While there is not always an index available that allows for sorting on the desired field, developers of Data Service queries should examine all the available indexes for a file before using the SORTDASC and SORTDESC parameters. When the using the SORTASC or SORTDESC parameter, only the returned records are sorted.

This table shows relevant information about the file containing the desired data and the query that is constructed.

Parameter Setting
File name EMPLOYEE
Primary index


Contains these fields:

  1. Company

  2. Employee

Additional index


Contains these fields:

  1. Company

  2. Last Name

  3. First Name

  4. Middle Init

  5. Employee

Field type and size Company Numeric, 4
Employee Numeric, 9
Last Name AlphaLower, 30
First Name AlphaLower, 15
Middle Init Alpha, 1
Desired sort order Ascending, on the last name of the employee.
Total records in the file 1000
MAX parameter value 25 (the default)

Based on the primary index (EMPSET1), the records in the file are stored sorted by the numerical fields Company and Employee. This query returns the first 25 employees in the file. After these records are returned, they are then sorted by the value of the Last Name field.


For example, supposing the last name of the employee in the 26th record is Ames. Even if the last name of the employee in the 25th record is Doe, the 26th record is not returned.

If the user uses the correct index they can achieve global sorting, which is (sorting over all the records in a table. In this example, index EMPSET6 sorts the employees in each company according to their last name, rather than by their employee number.


Using this index improves performance, since the sorting is completed by the database before the Data Service query, and allows for global sorting of the file before the data is returned.