
Use this action to show the contents of a report.

Required parameters

Parameter Key Value Type Parameter Description
printFileName Alphanumeric string

The filename of the printed report. This is a key field. Cannot be blank.

Minimum length for strings is 1.

printFilePath Alphanumeric string

The path of the printer report.

This is a key field. Cannot be blank.

Minimum length for strings is 1.

reportOwner Alphanumeric string

The owner of the report.

This is a key field. Cannot be blank.

Minimum length for strings is 1.

layout Fixed values

The layout of the printed report. This can either be Portrait, PortraitP2, or Landscape.

Only required when reportType is PDF.

reportType Fixed values

The output type of the report.

Optional parameters

Parameter Key Value Type Parameter Description
deliveryType Fixed values The type of report to be displayed.
startPage Integer

The starting page of the report. Only applicable when reportType is HTML or PDF.

Maximum value depends on report content.

Minimum length for strings is 1. Default value is 1.

numberPages Integer

The total number of pages to be retrieved. Only applicable when reportType is HTML or PDF.

Maximum value depends on report content.

Default is All Report Pages.

startLine Integer The line number where the report should be started. Only applicable when reportType is CSV.
numberLines Integer

The number of lines to be shown in the report starting from startLine. Only applicable when reportType is CSV.

Maximum value depends on report content.

Default is All Report Pages.