Aggregate Request Format
In addition to using the DB-<KeyFieldName> and DBRNG-<KeyFieldName> fields as you do with other database inquiry routines, you use a set of Boolean fields to identify the columns in the table to be returned and the aggregate function to be applied. These fields are named using the following convention:
This field | Returns this value for the column designated by field name |
DBAVG-<Index>-<FieldName> | Average |
DBMAX-<Index>-<FieldName> | Maximum |
DBMIN-<Index>-<FieldName> | Minimum |
DBSUM-<Index>-<FieldName> | Sum |
Where <Index> corresponds to and must match the Index that is specified in the 880-INIT-DBAG-<Index> and 880-FIND-DBAG-<Index> API calls, and <FieldName> identifies the column to be aggregated
You can request more than one column in a single API call by using the appropriate Boolean field several times with a different field name each time; but you may specify only one function for each call. Thus, in order to derive the average and the sum of any column, you must populate two separate requests and make two separate calls to the API.