Element Reference Syntax in Report Files

          A1    FieldName          Element

You can use the 14-character element name after the Name and before the Type, as shown in the following example.

0        1         2         3         4         5         6         7         8
FIELD  NAME                   ELEMENT        TYPE  PRTCNTL     VALUES
 ---   --------------------   --------------  --   ----------  --------------------------

 *     PRE-PLAN-TYPE          Type            XN   Numeric 1   1=Health
                                                               4=Employee Life
                                                               5=Dependent Life
 A1    PRE-PLAN-TYPE          Type            X
 B1    PRE-PLAN-CODE          Plan-Code
 C1    PLN-DESC               Description
 D1    PLN-START-DATE         Date            CD
 E1    PRE-START-DATE         Date            CD

Changing Element Type or Size Using an Element

When using an element in a report file, the type of the element must match the type of the field as shown in the $FIELDS section of the report. You can change the size of the element by using an element of different size. If the new size is smaller than what was shown in the $FIELD section of the report, the field is filled with asterisks when the report runs. You can still view the value of the field online if you send the report to the screen from the Lawson Print Manager. For detailed information on the $FIELDS section of a report, see Field Definitions.

After modifying the report file, you must compile the report. For instructions on compiling a report, see Compiling a Report.