Automatically Generating $DETAIL Areas in a Report
Use the program .cfg files to automatically generate the $DETAIL area when generating code for the report. When 4GL code generates, the configuration files are searched in the following order:
If this file is found and contains a DETAIL or GEN_DETAIL line, all new reports in the product line will have $DETAIL areas generated.
If either of these files is found and contains a DETAIL or GEN_DETAIL line, all new reports in the system code will have $DETAIL areas generated.
If either of these files is found and contains a DETAIL or GEN_DETAIL line, this program will have a $DETAIL area generated, when 4GL code is generated.
The lowest level file that is found overrides any higher level
files. For example, if the %LAWDIR%\productline\ProductLine.cfg
file does
not contain the GEN_DETAIL or DETAIL line, but the %LAWDIR%\productline\systemcodesrc\ProgramCode.cfg
file does
contain one of these lines, the program specified by the second file
will have a $DETAIL area generated, even though the product line specification
is for no $DETAIL area.
To automatically generate a $DETAIL area in a report