Defining Output Field Attributes
Use this procedure to define output field attributes.
To define output field attributes
On the Format form, define an output field.
- or -
Select an existing output field and press Output (F3).
The Form Output Field Definition window appears with the field name, field type, translations, and field usage shown.
The fields that appear depend on the type of output field you are defining.
To scroll through the field definitions (both input and output), press Next (F7).
Change the desired field attributes.
In this field Type or Select (F4) Size A value if you wish to change the size of the output field. The value that initially appears in this field comes from the database definition of the field. If you decrease a field size, the form truncates the value. For more information, see the Size field description in Online Field Attributes.
If a field has decimal places, they are shown to the right of the total field size. Decimal places apply only to signed and percent fields.
Currency Yes to display a floating dollar sign on a numeric field. Field Usage Value to display the value of the field.
Translation to display the translation, or meaning, of the value of a field. This is an option only if you defined a translation for the field in the database.
Subscript to print the occurs value of an array field. This option is for array fields only. On array fields, an Occurs field appears on the first line of the Form Output Field Definition window. The value in this field shows the number of times the array field occurs. To display this value on the form, select Subscript in the Field Usage field.
Note: If there is only one field use option for the selected output field, you cannot access the Field Usage field.Commas Yes to display commas on a numeric field. Lead Zeroes Blank to display blanks if the field value is zero.
*Asterisk to display asterisks for leading zeroes before the decimal point.
Suppress to not display leading zeroes.
Display to display leading zeroes.
Percent Yes to display a percent sign after a numeric field. Numeric Sign - to display a negative sign (-) after negative values and spaces after positive values.
CR to display CR (for credit) after negative values and spaces after positive values.
None to not differentiate between positive and negative values.
Key Nbr Up to three characters that will make it possible for a program to transfer information from a field on one form to a field on another form. The two fields should be the same type and size for transfer to work properly.
If a key number was defined for the field during Key Number Definition, the system puts that key number in this field.
If the field is blank, type or select an existing key number. The key number must be valid.
To define a new key number, see Defining Key Numbers. For more information about key numbers, see the Key Numbers field description in Online Field Attributes.
Picture Display only. A picture of the field. Output Condition or (Dict) Output Condition Display only. The condition name. The condition displays beneath the Form Output Field Definition window.
This field does not appear if there is no condition defined.
For instructions, see Defining an Output Condition.
Press Enter.
The field appears on the Format form.
To label or move the field, see Labeling, Moving, and Deleting Fields.
Press Enter twice
to save the form.
The system saves the form and returns to the Database Structure-Program Structure form.