To define key numbers
On the Program Definition form, press Action (F4) and choose Transfer.
- or -
From the Environment Utilities or Application Development Workbench menu, choose Programmer Utilities, then Program Maintenance Tools.
- or -
At the command line type kndef (Skip step 2).
- Choose Key Number Definition.
On the Key Number Definition form, type or select
the product line for which you want to define key numbers.
In this field Type or Select (F4) Key Number The value that identifies a form field.
This value can have up to three alphanumeric characters. Forms and edits do not work properly if this value is the same as the key number assigned to the field in the form definition files.
Name A name that identifies the form field throughout the form rules and object rules files.
This name does not have to be the name of the field in the database. The name can have up to thirty characters. This name makes the Form Rules and Object Rules files readable. Rather than using the key number to identify the field throughout the rules files, use this name.
SuperType Key Number Optional. The key number of the field that this field is a subtype of.
For example, the Personnel system stores many types of personnel codes (key number PC) in a single file. Two types of personnel codes are benefit codes (key number PCB) and dependents codes (key number PCD). Benefit codes and dependents codes are subtypes of personnel codes. Because benefit and dependent codes have their own key number, you can define specific rules for them. They also need a supertype key number for communication with forms that have the Personnel Code field.
- Press OK twice.