Defining External Names for CSV Files

In the External Name field of the CSV Workfile Attribute Definition form, you must enter the full path name of the destination file. You can use wild card values and environment variables. You must include all punctuation characters, including slants (/); they are not added automatically. You can use the wild cards anywhere in the path name, delimited by an underscore (_), hyphen (-), slant (/), period (.) or another wild card. You can also place it at the end of the file name.

Valid entries include

  • %LAWDIR% and %GENDIR%

  • %HOME% (user's home directory)

  • %(MY_DIR)%

  • $PL or $PRODLINE (product line, data area, or data ID under which the job is running)

  • $LCPL or $PLLC (lowercase product line)

  • $SYS or $SYSTEM (system code for the program)

  • $USR or $USER (user-id)

  • $JOB (lowercase job name as used in the print directory path)

  • $STEP (job step number)

  • $PROG (program code)

  • %TMP% or %TMPDIR% (tmp directory; default is \tmp)

  • $COUNTER, $COUNT, $CNTR, or $CNT (workdef creates a new file name or directory on each execution of that job step, adding a 1, then a 2, and so on, to the file or directory name.)

    Note: For example, %LAWDIR%\work\$JOB\$COUNTER\filename creates a new directory (1) with the same file name, while %LAWDIR%\work\$JOB\filename\$COUNTER creates a new file name (filename1) in the same directory.
  • Environmental variables (based on the environment of the user who started the Job Scheduler, not the environment of the user who is defining the job step)

You can also use normal work file naming procedures; however, values in the WRKFLOPTS or JOBSTEPWRK records override that name when the program opens the file.

Note: If you do not specify an external name when redefining CSV file options with jobdef, the program uses the external file name defined in the work file options (WRKFLOPTS) record; however, it does use the CSV file options you define with jobdef (in JOBSTEPWRK).