Selecting the Primary File
Use this procedure to select the primary file for a program. Each task in a program must have a primary file. The primary file is the primary focus of the task. Choosing a primary file for a task defines its structure.
To select the primary file
After defining a new program on the Program Definition
form, press Define (F6) and choose
The Primary Files window appears.
As you move the light bar from file to file, the file names display in different text modes depending on their relation to the selected file. Files with a one-to-one relation to the primary file are in normal text. Files with a one-to-many relation are dimly highlighted. Files with no relation to the primary file are in dim normal text.
Select the primary file for the program, and press Mark or OK.
The Database Structure-Program Structure form appears.
Note: To choose a different primary file, you must delete the file from the Database Structure-Program Structure form.You can now define detail files or additional tasks, or paint the form or report.
For information on See Defining detail files Defining a Detail file. Defining additional tasks Defining Additional Tasks. Painting a form Painting a Form or Quick Painting. Painting a report Painting a Report.