Micro Focus Net Express Troubleshooting

173 error:

This error usually means that the Net Express animator cannot find lacobrts.dll. Check the variables you set, such as the ones for %GENDIR% and path. You may also get this error if you click Yes at the prompt to rebuilt the project. If the latter is the case, you can recompile the program with the -D option and then try to animate again.

174 error:

This error is usually caused by not having the path to the jvm.dll in your path or if the directory for %LAW_JAVA_HOME% is incorrect.

Animator stops after stepping past Call "InitBatch" or Call "InitOnline" and the highlighted line goes away

This can occur if the parameters are incorrect.

Online program does not attach to animator session

If you are able to perform actions in the LID session and the animator session does not seem to be connected, select Break from the Animate menu. If the CALL "GetTransaction" line is highlighted, the sessions were not connect. This occurs if you launched the LID session as a different user than the one in the command line parameters.

This can also occur when you open the program using lapm prodline formID before selecting Start Animating and Run. If you have click Run, select Break, close the LID form, select Run, and then reopen the LID form.

If you run into a breakpoint that you have set, the LID session should display an hourglass while it waits for you to move past the breakpoint.