Defining a CSV File in Fixed-Length Field Format
If you select None in the Field Separator field of the CSV Workfile Attribute Definition form, workdef writes the file in fixed-length field format, as follows:
Strings are not delimited by quote characters except in the header (if a character is specified in the Quote Character field).
If you do not specify a character in the Quote Character field, header names are fixed 17-character fields (field name, hyphen, and 2-digit occurs designator); otherwise, header names are variable length.
Spaces are removed from header names and formatted as follows: lowercase with the first letter of each word capitalized, for example, PayRate.
Signed fields include a trailing byte for the sign, which contains either a space or a minus sign (-).
Date fields are formatted as specified in the Date Format field, but do not contain separators or quote characters.
Alphabetic fields do not contain quote characters and are left-justified, space-filled.
Numeric fields are right-justified, zero-filled.