Staged Compilation in a Development Environment

This scenario assumes that you have a development environment where you create new programs or customize existing ones, and then deplooy those programs in the development environment product line in order to test them. This scenario also assumes that multiple developers are creating or customizing programs and may complete their development work at different times.

Typical sequence using staging compilation in the development process:

  1. Begin creating and customizing programs.
  2. Put the development product line in staged mode. At the commmand line, type

    stgcmp init productline

  3. When programs are ready for compiling, compile them with the -A option using one of the standard compile utilities. This places the compiled objects in a stgcmp directory and so they are not yet part of the runtime environment. The idea is that you are waiting until a set of programs is ready to be tested and so there is no need yet to have them in the runtime environment. If a given program needs to be moved directly to the runtime environment, you can compile the program with the -O option while the product line is in the staged mode. The program's compiled object then is deployed directly to the runtime environment.
  4. When you are ready to run and test the programs in the runtime environment, use stgcmp to validate the programs in the stgcmp directory. At the command line, type

    stgcmp validate productline

  5. If the programs are ready to move to the runtime environment, at the command line, type

    stgcmp deploy productline

    Note: After the deploy process, the product line will no longer be in staged mode.