Configure Environment profiles
Configure all Environment profiles to use Java 1.8.
From a command prompt, navigate to:
Run this command to configure the profiles:
managesdk -enableProfile -sdkName <sdk_value> -profileName <EnvProfileName>
For example:
managesdk -enableProfile -sdkName 1.8_64_bundled -profileName Dmgr01
Verify the results. Run:
managesdk -listEnabledProfileAll
You should see results like those shown in the example below:
CWSDK1004I: Profile Dmgr01 : CWSDK1006I: PROFILE_COMMAND_SDK = 1.8_64_bundled CWSDK1008I: Node phlsf82025CellManager01 SDK name: 1.8_64_bundled CWSDK1009I: Server dmgr SDK name: 1.8_64_bundled