Granting Database User Permissions (Oracle only)

Give the Oracle Lawson GEN and LOGAN users permission to create and alter objects in the Oracle database by running the Lawson grant_law_perms.sql script. Granting permissions now will:

  • Prevent log file errors as you proceed with the Lawson installation.

  • Enable Lawson database utilities used for database setup and troubleshooting. For more information on these utilities, see the Lawson Administration: Data Access Using Oracle guide.

Run the grant_law_perms script

  1. At the command line on the Lawson server, change directories.

    cd GENDIR/oracle

  2. Start the Oracle sqlplus utility. Log in as the Oracle user SYS and connect as SYSDBA.
  3. Type the following in sqlplus.


  4. When you are prompted for the user name, enter the Oracle user ID to use when connecting to the Lawson GEN database. This value must match the Oracle user ID you provided for GEN when you installed Lawson. See the Oracle Database Installation Values for your value.
  5. Repeat this procedure to grant permissions to the Oracle user ID for the LOGAN database.