Running the Cluster Setup script

Use the steps below to run the Cluster Setup script.

  1. Run the enter.cmd file to set Lawson environment variables and PATH. At the command prompt, specify:

    cd LawBaseDir


    where LawBaseDir is the name of the base directory where you installed Infor Lawson Core Technology.

  2. Run this command to set the environment variable WAS_HOME:

    set WAS_HOME=

    For example, set WAS_HOME=D:\IBM\WebSphere\Appserver

  3. Navigate to the directory where the script is located. At the command prompt, specify:

    cd %GENDIR%\install\websphere\clustersetup

  4. Run the following command:

    To run the command with WebSphere credentials:

    perl -us WAS_username -pa WAS_password