Updating LSF to use LDAPS

Perform this task if you are already on LDAPBIND and want to move to LDAPS.

  1. From a command window in LSF, run the ssoconfig utility by specifying the command:
    ssoconfig -c
  2. At the prompt, specify the password for ssoconfig.
  3. From the ssoconfig main menu, select the number associated with the option Change Lawson authentication data store settings to display the current LDAP server.
  4. Update the current entry:

    where <FQDN_of_ADLDS_Server> is the fully qualified name of your LDAPS server and where 636 is the port number.

    636 and 3269 are typical port numbers.

  5. Press Enter to accept the values for the initial context factory setting.
  6. The prompts for LDAP user will show the previous values. Confirm or change as required.
  7. The setting for LDAP password is not shown on-screen. At the prompt, specify the password.
  8. Press Enter to accept the values for root DN and LDAP read-write timeout.
  9. At the prompt to enable LDAPS pooling, select the number corresponding to YES. To disable LDAPS pooling, select NO.
  10. For the next prompts, you can configure the LDAPS connection pool settings. You can set an initial pool size, maximum pool size and idle pool connection timeout as required, or you can accept the default values by pressing Enter.
  11. Select the Exit option to end the ssoconfig session.
Note: See KB2193235 when enabling LDAPS pooling in LASE.