Install the Infor System Console

Important: The Infor System Console install program requires a configuration protection passkey. You must know this passkey before you attempt to run the installation program. If this is the first time you are running the install program, you will be required to define the passkey following passkey complexity rules. For more information, see Administering the Configuration Protection Passkey.

  1. Navigate to where you downloaded the SystemConsoleUI.jar file. (This should be a location on the same server where the web server is installed.)
  2. At the command line, type

    java -jar SystemConsoleUI.jar

  3. At the Configuration Protection dialog box, enter the configuration passkey for the install program, confirm the passkey and then click OK. Click the Help button to view the passkey complexity rules.
  4. Click Next on the opening screen, specify a name for the Infor System Console installation, and then click Next.
  5. Specify the Web UI document root location of the Infor System Console and click Next.

    For the location, if the Infor Lawson System Foundation is on the same machine as the web server, specify the environment root directory (the parent directory of %LAWDIR% and %GENDIR%) followed by \admin\infor\console.

    Note: If the Infor Lawson System Foundation is not on the same machine as the web server, use the infor\admin directory created during the setup of a remote server.
  6. Click Install on the Summary screen, and then click Finish when the installation is complete.