Installing Infor Process Automation Files in Infor Lawson System Foundation

Use this procedure if Infor Process Automation is enabled on your system and you will be using the Infor System Console to monitor the Infor Process Automation queues.

To install Infor Process Automation files in Infor Lawson System Foundation

  1. Log into your Landmark system.
  2. Create a jar package of the needed Infor Process Automation jar files. At the Landmark command prompt, type

    If your Landmark is on Windows:


    If your Landmark is on UNIX:


    The package is named LPSClientJars.jar and is placed within the LPS directory inside your Landmark LACFGDIR directory.

  3. If you have previously copied and extracted the contents of an LPSClientJars.jar file to %GENDIR% \bpm\jar on your Infor Lawson System Foundation server, back up the following jar files in that directory and then delete the original files:
    • bpm-lpsforlsf.jar
    • bpm-interfaces.jar
    • lawutil-logging.jar
    • gridbase.jar
    • grid-client.jar
    • gridadapter.jar
  4. Copy the LPSClientJars.jar file to your Infor Lawson System Foundation server and extract the contents to %GENDIR% \bpm\jar. (You may need to create this directory.)
  5. Copy the gridadapter.jar file from java/jar within the LAENVDIR directory of the Landmark server to the %GENDIR% \bpm\jar directory of Infor Lawson System Foundation.
  6. Configure Infor Process Automation for your Infor Lawson System Foundation.
    Note: If you have already set up your system to include Infor Process Automation, you should not need to run this command.

    If you still need to configure your system for Infor Process Automation, at the Infor Lawson System Foundation command line, type

    pfserv config lps

    The values you enter in response to the prompts should match the values you used on the Infor Process Automation screen of the Infor System Console installation program.

  7. Restart the Infor Monitoring Server in WebSphere.