Customizing a page

Follow the steps below to customize an Infor OS Portal (or Infor Ming.le) page.

  1. Sign in to Infor OS Portal (or Infor Ming.le) as the site collection administrator.
  2. From the Infor OS Portal (or Infor Ming.le) top navigation panel, click the icon of the application to which you want to add the context application.

    The application page loads.

  3. Click the Manage Context Applications icon (the gear) on the right side of the top navigation panel to open the Context Application Manager.
  4. Ensure the Page Mode indicates Shared View.

    If the Page Mode does not indicate Shared View, click the arrow next to the logged-on user name, select Show Shared View, and open Context Application Manager again.

  5. Under Page Zones, select the zone to which you want to add the context application.

    Most context applications are added to the Right Panel Zone. The Context application Manager displays two panels. On the left side under Available to be added are the listed categories. Under each category, the available context applications are listed.

  6. Click the context application that you want to add to the page and click the right-pointing double arrow icon.

    The context application is added to the right panel under Already Added, at the bottom of the list.

  7. Repeat the steps above to add more context applications as needed.
  8. Click Save.
  9. If prompted, allow the page to refresh or resubmit.