Build Links for User Access to HRSD and TM via SSO

The following links are needed to support the SSO login sequence for the following scenarios:

  • Candidates accessing the Preboard tour

  • Newly hired employees accessing the Onboard tour

  • Recruiters and hiring managers navigating into HRSD from the rich client applet

In the sections that follow, you will populate your own values for the following variables:

  • <ExternalServer:ExternalPort>: The server and port combination tied to your External Endpoint. This is the server and port that candidates use to access Candidate Space.

  • <InternalServer:InternalPort>: The server and port combination tied to your Internal Endpoint. This is the server and port that employees use to access the Onboard tour.

  • <HRSDServiceName>:The name of the security service that defines the blackbox configuration.

  • <HTTPEncodedAppletLink>:The HTTP encoded version of the standard applet launch URL. Search the web for "HTTP encoder" to find a simple method to encode your URL.