Create a privileged identity for the login procedure service to recognize ldapbind authentication

This procedure creates a privileged identity for the login procedure service so that it is recognized by the ldapbind authenticating service.

  1. Run the ssopconfig utility. At the LSF command line, type

    ssoconfig -c

    If prompted, supply your ssoconfig password.

  2. From the main menu of ssoconfig, select Manage privileged access to services.
  3. At the next menu that appears, select Add New Identity.
  4. At the prompt, Lawson Service Name, type the name of the service you created for the login procedure in the previous procedure: SSOP_BIND
  5. At the prompt, Enter the key with which you want to associate this identity (DEFAULT): Press Enter to accept the default.
  6. At the prompt, Please enter the identity properties' values Value of identity property DN:(<empty>), supply the value of your LDAP DN property, for example, cn=userid,ou=group,DC=domain,DC=com
  7. At the prompt, Value of property PASSWORD: supply the password value for the LDAP DN, for example, password.
  8. When you are finished adding the privileged identity, press the keys associated with Back (to return to the main menu) or Exit (to exist ssoconfig).