Creating an endpoint

In this procedure, you will specify the web server that will be used as the endpoint for ldapbind authentication.

You must know:

  • The fully qualified domain name (FDQN) of the web server that will be specified as the endpoint.

  • The HTTPS or the HTTP port number for the web server, whichever is used. Specify port HTTPS and HTTP ports if both are used.

    Note: If you use only HTTPS (or only HTTP), you can accept the default of "-1" at prompts requesting the port you do not use.
  1. From the ssoconfig main menu, select the number for the option "Manage Lawson HTTP Endpoints."
  2. Add the first endpoint (web server). At the endpoint submenu, choose the number for the option "Add New HTTP Endpoint."
    1. At the prompt, "Lawson HTTP Endpoint FQDN," type the fully qualified domain name of one of the servers.

      For example, if your server is named "ldapbind_ws" and your domain is "ldapbind_dom_lsf," you would type:

      and then press Enter.

    2. At the prompt, "Lawson HTTP Endpoint HTTP Port," type the number of the port that will be used for HTTP communication and then press Enter.(If you are not using HTTP, just press Enter to accept the default of "-1".)
    3. At the prompt, "Lawson HTTP Endpoint HTTPS Port," type the number of the port that will be used for HTTPS communication. Press Enter after you type the port number. (If you are not using HTTPS, just press Enter to accept the default of "-1".)
    4. If you are prompted for "Lawson HTTP Endpoint SSO Domain" provide the name of the LDAPBIND SSO Domain you created in a previous step (for example, LDAPBIND_DOM_LSF. (In some versions of Infor Lawson, the domain information is already known by the system and this prompt does not appear.)

      You are now ready to create endpoint groups.

  3. Select "Back" to return to the main menu or "Exit" to exit the ssoconfig utility.