Edit the exported XML file

  1. Open the XML file which contains the updated THICKCLIENT service for editing.
  2. Add the LOGINSCHEMENAME tag to the LoginScheme attribute and set it to "DEFAULT".
    1. Locate the LOGINSCHEME attribute in the file.
    2. Add the following line between the <LOGIN_SUBMIT METHOD> and <SERVICEURL> tags. (These tags are located near the end of the attribute.)


      The entire <LOGINSCHEME> attribute with the new tags is shown below.

      Note: If you plan to copy/paste from this document to supply your local information, first copy to a text editor and check for returns, tabs and other special characters.
       -<LOGINSCHEME NAME="Form">
                 <PROTOASSERT>Use HTTPS always</PROTOASSERT>
  3. Save your changes.