XML input file in which you specify behavior of Actor Roles

In this example, the "mergeActorRoles" attribute exists in the file and is set to "false." In this case, the roles will not be merged but will instead follow the action as specified in the XML file.

Note: If you want some of the Actor records to merge roles, set the "mergeActorRoles" attribute to "true." This flag determines how role conflicts are addressed. If it is not defined, or set to true, roles are merged, meaning that assigned roles missing from either system will be added to the user so that both systems end up with the same roles assigned to the user. If set to false, the the defAction system is used to update the roles assigned in the other system. This option has the ability to remove roles assigned to users unlike a full sync.

Example file:

<!-- Actions for Actor : update_local, update_remote -->
    <system type="LANDMARK" >
                          <objTypes nm="ObjTypes">
                              <objType nm="Actor" defAction="update_remote" mergeActorRoles="false"/>
                         <obj type="Actor">
                                     <rec id="test1" action="update_local" mergeActorRoles="false"/>
                                     <rec id="test2"/>