Actor conflicts

Actor conflicts occur when the unique ID of an actor (user) is found on both systems but some attributes that must be the same (for example, LastName and FirstName) are not the same. This could happen for a number of reasons, including, a misspelling LastName on one system, using a nickname for FirstName on one system, or incorrectly assigning a unique ID.

When the synchronization process identifies actor conflicts, they are displayed in a list. You can:

  • Handle all conflicts in the same way. For this response, you select Update Local Actor or Update Remote Actor.

    With this choice you are saying that when a conflict exists, the selected machine (Local or Remote) contains the correct information. Match differences on the other system to this system's information.


    If you want to handle each conflict individually, you would select a conflict from the list and, when a dialog box showing the attribute/s that are in conflict appears, make changes as needed to the attributes.