Log configuration for security access issues

You can change the debugging logging level for your system from the dashboard.

This configuration can also be made by editing the configuration log file but using the dashboard is a faster way to change logging levels.

You can also add or delete users who have access to logging.

Note: Log files grow quickly and can eventually impact system performance. It is a good idea to turn on the highest levels of logging only for debugging and returning logging level to a normal level when debugging is no longer needed.
  1. From the ISS admin dashboard, navigate to Configuration->Manage Server->Log Configuration.
  2. Make a selection for Log Level:
    • Critical: Only severe issues or warnings are logged. This is the level you should be at for normal system activity. Change to a different level if you are troubleshooting or have been directed to do so by Infor Support.

    • General: Logs significant events that are not necessarily problems or warnings.

    • All: Logs all events, including issues and warnings.

    • Debug: Logs all events in debug mode.

  3. To add a user with access to logging, use Logging Users to locate and select a system user for whom you want to make logging access available. To delete a logging user, select the user and then click the Delete icon.