In general GENDIR stores Environment utilities and other files related to general system operation and configuration. The following tables shows the folders under GENDIR and describes their contents.

Directories and subdirectories under GENDIR Description of contents
/assembly Location where .ear and .war files are assembled.

Environment executables

On IBM i, these are symbolic links.

/bpm and /bpm client Process Server files
/deliv Data dump files used during installation. (Includes files of type .dmp)
/essbase Utilities and objects for Essbase
/ibm Environment objects used to create the DB2 database driver.
/install System information script and output (created at install time).




Java helper files
/lib/help Environment help files
/menus Parameter screens for Environment forms
/microsoft (Windows only)

Utilities and objects for Microsoft SQL Server

/oracle If this directory exists, it contains utilities and objects for Oracle.
/perms_files Executables and other files related to distributed single sign-on.
/public Copyright information.
/rpg IBM i only: RPG source for some Environment programs.

Original Lawson server configuration files, including ladb.cfg, lajs.cfg, latm.cfg, univ.cfg, security.cfg

Also contains originals of LAWDIR/system/license and LAWDIR/system/profile

/system/termdef Original of LAWDIR/system/termdef



Files used by TaxFactory and TaxFactoryCanada (third-party products)

For UNIX versions only.

/template System template files for APIs.
/ug81 Upgrade programs and scripts.
/vertex Files used by Vertex (third-party product)