To secure the Lawson Database Driver Configuration File
Use the chmod command to
secure the Lawson ORACLE database driver configuration file. For example,
if the name of your product line is PROD, type:
chmod 400 $LAWDIR/prod/ORACLE
Give the Enterprise Server access to the Lawson ORACLE database
driver configuration file by making the Lawson user, lawson,
the owner of the file. For example, if the name of your product line is PROD,
chown lawson $LAWDIR/prod/ORACLE
Execute the oradb11 / oradb12 database
driver as the Lawson user, lawson.
Edit the ladb.cfg file and add the following line:
Note: If you add or change the LAWSONUID parameter, you must stop and start the Lawson database server (ladb) to implement your change. For more information on starting and stopping ladb, see the Lawson Administration: Server Setup and Maintenance guide.