What Are law_dba_table Table Descriptions?

The following describes the columns in law_dba_table.

Column Description


The name of the Lawson table whose storage parameters are described by the row. If a table has no value in law_dba_table, the database driver uses the default values to create and maintain the table. The TABLE_NAME column must have an uppercase value to be valid. This name must be a SQL name.
TABLESPACE_NAME The Oracle table space the table resides in. This parameter overrides the table space specified in the Lawson dictionary definition.



The initial and maximum concurrent numbers of transaction values for each data block in the table. The Oracle default is 1 for the initial number. The maximum is a function of the data block size.



The size, in kilobytes, to initially allocate for the table and grow the table by when the initial extent fills up. These parameters override the values calculated in the Lawson dictionary on the File Size Definition form in dbdef.



The initial and maximum number of extents allocated for a table. The initial number defaults to 1. The maximum setting overrides the value set for the MAXEXTENTS parameters in the $LAWDIR/productline|dataarea/ORACLE file. MAXEXTENTS also allows a value of -1 (an unlimited number of extents).
PCT_INCREASE The percentage increase for the size of each extent after the second one. The default for Lawson tables is 0.



The amount of space originally left open in a block, and the amount of space below which records can be inserted into a block. These two values must add up to less than 100 percent. The defaults for the Lawson tables are 5 percent free and 94 percent used.
UNULLS For internal use only.

Use the variable character (varchar) type for all key (indexed) and non-key (non-indexed) character columns in a table. Allows values of K (key and non-key generated as varchars), Y (non-key generated as varchars), and N columns generated as fixed length. The default is N.

You can use law_dba_tables to set varchars. However, Lawson strongly recommends that you use the editda utility instead. Edit Data Area Utility (editda)

If you choose to set varchars through law_dba_tables, be aware that settings you make in law_dba_tables override those set through editda, and that Lawson plans to remove the varchar setting from law_dba_tables in a future release.

FREELISTS The number of free list processes allocated to the table. Parameters are generated if a value exists that is greater than 1.
FREELIST_GROUPS The number of free-list groups allocated to this table. Parameters are generated if a value exists that is greater than 1.

Whether the table uses Oracle parallelism. Allows values of Y (for parallelism), N (no parallelism), or NULL.

Note: If the PARALLEL column is not set to Y, the degree and instance clauses are not generated.
DEGREE The specified default degree of parallelism for the table and its indexes. Allows integer values greater than 1. Other allowed values are NULL, 0, 1 (do not generate instances clauses), and -1 (use the the default; a DEFAULT is generated). A value greater than 1 generates a degree clause in the form of degree n , where n is the stored column value.
INSTANCES The specified default number of parallel server instances for the table and its indexes. Allows integer values greater than 1. Other allowed values are NULL, 0, 1 (do not generate instances clauses), and -1 (use the default; a DEFAULT is generated). A value greater than 1 generates an instance clause in the form of instance n , where n is the stored column value.
NULL_DATE For internal use only.

The following output file shows the definition of law_dba_table as described by the build_law.sql script.

create table law_dba_table (
table_name varchar2(30) not null,
tablespace_name varchar2(30),
ini_trans number check (ini_trans between 1 and 255),
max_trans number check (max_trans between 1 and 255),
initial_extent number,
next_extent number,
min_extents number check (min_extents > 0),
max_extents number,
pct_increase number,
pct_free number check ((pct_free >= 0) and (pct_free < 100)),
pct_used number check ((pct_used >= 0) and (pct_used < 100)),
uvarchar char(1),
unulls char(1),
freelists number,
freelist_groups number,
parallel char(1),
degree number,
instances number,
nulldate char(1),
primary key (TABLE_NAME)
WHERE object_name = 'LAW_DBA_TABLE'
AND object_type = 'TABLE';
INSERT INTO LAW_DBA_COMMENTS(object_name, object_type, comments)